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Book Cover Notebooks for Writers

Updated: Jan 29, 2024

I was once an aspiring author before I found my passion as a graphic designer, and like many authors-at-heart, I also couldn't put a book down. Gone are my bookworm days, where I would curl up on the couch, clearing a novel or two a day.

It was pondering those times that my creative juices got to flowing. As much as I liked reading, I liked writing too. I would write stories down the old-fashioned way... with pen and a paper. I thought of others who still enjoy this archaic practice and my Book Cover Inspiration Notebooks were born.

I have created dozens of customizable blank notebooks for other authors (aspiring and professional!) Take a look to see if it inspires creativity for your future book.

What Can These Be Used For?

These notebooks were created as a mock book cover design to inspire you in your story writing. They allow you to add a title and your author name on the front, and description of your book on the back. Inside is blank and ready for your story.

Other ideas of what they can be used for:

  1. For creative writers, who enjoy writing down their stories or book outlines.

  2. Gift that aspiring author in your family, by surprising them with a notebook that has their name on it.

  3. For teachers of creative writing students, order some notebooks for your class. Maybe offer a mix and match of genre covers and have a student choose their favourite to write a story in.

  4. Need to flesh out your story outline? These notebooks will keep you inspired.


I have a book cover notebook design for almost every genre... Fantasy, Science Fiction, Crime, Mystery, Children's Books, Romance, and more.

Book Cover Design Notebooks

Here are just a few you will find in my store:

Request Your Own FREE Book Cover Notebook Design

Have an idea for a design you want added to the cover of one of the notebooks? I will design one for free and add it to my store for you. Contact me and I usually can get to it within a business day.


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